5 Flowering Seeds that Can be Sowed in December

The last month of the year, December, often thrills us about the peak of the winter season. And, while it's a great month to snuggle under blankets and enjoy hot beverages, it is also a great month to grow some green babies. So, if you are into gardening and tempted to know what flowers are good to sow this winter season, then just keep reading. You will 5 amazing species of flowers that show the best growth in the cold season.

Flowering Seeds


Petunia is a popular annual blooming plant that blooms wonderfully in the winter. It shows rapid growth during the fall. Also, Petunia is quite famous for its beautiful flowers in a variety of colours such as purple, red, white, pink, and yellow. Such flowers are average in height (6 inches to 4 feet), making them perfect for hanging baskets and containers. An important thing to keep in mind is that one needs to be extra cautious while planting Petunia seeds. They are quite fragile and delicate during the sprouting stage, so it's important to be careful with these little drops of heaven.


Marigolds are one of the best-blooming plants to cultivate. They are easy to grow and great to begin your winter gardening with. Marigolds are annual blooming plants that come in a wide range of colours including gold, white, copper, orange, yellow, and blended colours. You may select the colour and size of the plant that would look best in your container or garden.


Calendula, often known as pot marigold, is another easy-to-grow blooming plant. They are highly abundant and occur in a wide range of colours, including yellow, orange, and lemon. They are plants that bloom from late summer to early winter. They look fantastic as houseplants.


This blooming plant is well-known for its warm, colourful, and lovely blossoms. Dahlia seeds should be planted in the middle of the winter season. Also, while caring for the plant, one must keep track of its water requirement. Dahlias use and store a lot of water throughout their growing season, therefore you must water the plant frequently.


Cineraria are flowering plants that are suited to seed in winter. The blooming stage of this flower is generally around the summer. You should also make sure that the soil in which you are planting Cineraria seeds is slightly acidic, well-drained, and rich in compost. Your plant should be watered on a regular basis, but they will not thrive if you overwater them. The wonderful thing about these plants is that they are self-seed.

So, whether you keep it in the garden soil or in containers in your home, they will shed their seeds and repeat the cycle without much effort.