An Ultimate Guide to Growing Healthy Roses in India

The rose is unquestionably a must-have if you are a garden enthusiast. The colour, the delicacy and the curves of their petals are just a treat for sore eyes. However, raising them in the Indian climate can be a little challenging. But with us, you can do it like a pro! Do you want to know how? Then scroll down and take a deep dive into our ultimate guide to growing healthy roses in India.

Roses in India


Roses require nutrient-rich, quick-draining soil with strong water retention properties. Therefore, its potting soil must have a sufficient quantity of garden soil, sand, compost, and coco peat. If you don't want to make your own potting soil, you can get pre-made potting soil designed exclusively for blooming plants such as roses.


When it comes to the sun, an important piece of advice for caring for a rose plant is to make sure it gets 5 to 6 hours of direct sunshine every day. Direct sunlight promotes rose plant growth and results in healthy blooms. However, during the hot summer months, when the sun is very direct, you should put them in some shade or just give them early sunshine; otherwise, the plant can get sunburnt.


One of the main causes of individuals losing this lovely plant is a lack of understanding of how and when to water. And the greatest danger to the plant's survival is overwatering. In order to avoid overwatering your rose plant, wait until the top few inches of soil have dried up before you water it again. Watering a rose plant in the morning is excellent as if you water it at night, it won't get enough time to dry out, and as a result, your plant will suffer.


To have magnificent blooms during the summer, you should feed your rose plant every 25 to 30 days with high-quality fertilisers. Use homemade compost which can be made from kitchen scraps. Or you might give fertiliser that is created especially for rose plants. Also, keep in mind that applying fertiliser in the presence of direct sunlight might burn the plant. Hence, avoid doing so at all costs. Always apply it after sundown or very early in the morning; then rinse it off.


Because fungi and pests frequently destroy rose plants, it is important to safeguard them. Neem oil can be sprayed on the plant's leaves every 30 to 35 days to ward off pests. Additionally, avoid using neem oil too frequently since it might burn the leaves. After using it once, give it at least 15 days to work.


Pruning simply means removing dead branches, leaves, and flowers. You should trim your rose plant on a regular basis and remove any dead leaves and branches to promote fresh and healthy development. In the summer, if a bloom begins to fade, cut it with a pruner rather than your bare hands, as rose plants contain jagged thorns that can hurt you. Avoid pruning rose plants throughout the winter when they are in their dormant state since they won't be able to recover and thrive.