Beautify Your Garden With These 5 Easy-to-Keep Indoor Plants

If you’re looking for the easiest and foolproof way to add colour and life to your personal space or upgrade your decor vibe, you cannot go wrong with houseplants. Besides, in order to flaunt greenery, you don’t require a PhD in plant sciences. So, if it is your first time being a plant parent and you are feeling somewhat intimidated selecting the best indoor plants that are easy-going, this article is for you! Below we’ve rounded up the top 6 houseplants that are easy to keep and will instantly add interest to any space.

Indoor Plants

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is every plant beginner’s favourite. Because it belongs to the family of succulents, it requires only a little water and bright, indirect sunlight. This hardy plant is not only fairly easy to care for but is very useful also. Its sap can be well-utilised as a skin moisturiser, cure minor cuts and even ease sunburns.

Peace Lily

As striking as this plant is, so is simple its care. The peace lily is among the top indoor plants that are absolutely stunning and require low maintenance. With its beautiful white folded flowers against glossy, green foliage, this best indoor plant for clean air add attractive aesthetics to every nook and corner in no time. All it demands in return from you is to offer regular watering and provide it with bright, indirect light.


How is it even possible to talk about top easy-to-keep indoor plants and miss out on Pothos? A beautiful vine plant, pothos requires no green thumb and adds instant beauty to your garden. Also, its heart-shaped leaves, with the ability to trail up to 10 feet or more, have everyone’s heart. Pothos is one of the most tolerant plants that can walk a long mile without water and is comfortable with dim spaces as well.

Jade Plant

An easy-to-keep succulent, the Jade plant is a popular houseplant that features gorgeous green, coin-shaped and plumped leaves. It is most likely to survive for a longer period as it is easy to look after. Just keep them in a place that receives plenty of sunlight and provides adequate water to help them stay healthy and lush.

Snake Plant

The plant can be a perfect showstopper with its dramatic striped sharp twisted leaves. Sansevieria or snake plant, as it is commonly called, is a hardy, easy-care houseplant that will do just fine in bright to low light. Since it is extremely drought-tolerant, it doesn’t even require a lot of water. Furthermore, one of its most-talked-about features is its air-purifying properties. It is pro in getting rid of harmful airborne chemicals and keeping allergies, headaches & fatigue at bay.