Common Signs of Unhappy Plants & Their Solutions

One of the biggest nightmares for plant parents is their leafy babies not feeling well and worse, not being able to tell what they need. But plants communicate their well-being through subtle signs, and as nurturers, it's our responsibility to understand their language. Just like humans, plants exhibit symptoms when they're unhappy, offering valuable insights into their condition. Here we uncover some of their most common distress signals and solutions for the same -

signs of unhappy plants & their solutions

Yellowing Leaves

Yellow leaves are akin to a plant’s SOS signal, often indicating overwatering. When roots get suffocated due to excess moisture, leaves lose their vibrancy, turning a pale yellow. However, this can be cured easily. Adjust your watering routine, allowing the soil to dry slightly between watering sessions. Make sure the planters have adequate drainage to prevent waterlogging, letting the roots breathe and rejuvenate.

Wilting Woes

Wilting plants tug at our heartstrings, conveying a simple message: they are thirsty. Underwatering causes the leaves to droop. Therefore, you should be consistent with your watering schedule. Check the soil moisture regularly and hydrate your indoor and outdoor plants adequately. This will make sure your green companions stand tall despite all the odds.

Browning of Leaf Tips

Dry and brown leaf tips are a plaintive call for increased humidity. Indoor environments, especially those with artificial heating or cooling, tend to lack moisture, affecting your leafy companions. Prevent browning of these tips by misting your plants regularly, placing a water tray nearby or grouping them. The more the humidity level, the more the leaves will be lush & vibrant.

Leaf Curling

Leaf curling is usually an indication of pests or diseases. Thus, it is important to inspect your plant meticulously. Detect these tiny invaders and follow natural remedies to get rid of them. You may use soaps or neem oil that make for a gentle and effective solution, ensuring your plants thrive pest-free.