5 Easy to Grow Indian Herbs

  • Herbs are the leafy greens or flowering parts of a plant that are produced from the other parts of the plant, which are usually dried.
  • People often use the term herbs and spices interchangeably. But in fact, they are two different types of seasonings made from different parts of plants and used in different ways.
  • Check out the video to know more about how to grow herbs in your kitchen garden-

  • They are used for garnishing food, flavoring, medicine purpose, or fragrances due to their savory or aromatic properties.
  • Herbs are also used in many religions for several spiritual purposes, such as spiritual cleansing, blessing, smudging, exercises for the last rites of deceased people, and so on.
  • Herbs can be used to cleanse the bowels, improves digestion, repair damaged skin, heal wounds, and relieve aching muscles. They are used for the treatment of a wide range of health issues.

Know About the 5 Best Herbs to Grow In Indian Climate

Carom (Ajwain):

Carom, also known as ajwain or ajowan is an annual herb in the family Apiaceae. The leaves and seed-like fruit of ajwain are consumed by humans that have a bitter and pungent taste.


Origin It originated in the Asia minor or Persia regions from where it spread to India.
Scientific Name Trachyspermum ammi
Water Requirement Watering frequency should be maintained so that the soil never loses moisture. In summer, it requires a high amount of water as compared to winter. Overwatering is not good as these plants cannot survive in waterlogged soil.
Sunlight They grow well in complete sunlight, but a partial sun and shade are preferred more.
Soil These plants grow well in acidic as well as neutral soil, which has a good draining capability.
Fertilizer The soil needs to be mixed with a good amount of manure.
Benefits It improves digestive health, cure a common cold, and provide relief from Arthritis pain.

Coriander (Dhaniya):

Also known as cilantro or Chinese parsley, Coriander is a fast-growing, aromatic, annual herb in the family Apiaceae. It grows best in the cool weather of spring and fall. The fresh leaves and dried seeds of Coriander are used in cooking.


Origin Native to regions spanning from Southern Europe & Northern Africa to Southwestern Asia.
Scientific Name Coriandrum sativum
Water Requirement Regular watering is suggested, but make sure the plant is not soaked in water all the time. Only water when the soil is dry.
Sunlight Cilantro needs full sunlight or light shade to grow well.
Soil These plants grow best in well-drained, moist soil.
Fertilizer Fertilize only once or twice during the growing season with nitrogen-based fertilizer.
Benefits Help the body to get rid of toxic metals, such as arsenic cadmium, aluminum, and lead. It helps lower anxiety, improves sleep, and protects against cardiovascular disease.


Mustard (Sarson):

The mustard plant is a plant species in the family Brassicaceae, which is grown as a vegetable and eaten like other green veggies. The seeds of mustard are used in all cuisines due to its varied taste and style.


Origin Brown mustard originated from the foothills of the Himalayas.
Scientific Name Brassica nigra
Water Requirement These plants require regular watering. Do not allow the soil to dry out.
Sunlight They require plenty of sun or partial shade to grow well.
Soil Moist soil conditions are adequate for optimal growth of these plants.
Fertilizer Nitrogen is essential for growth of healthy and dark, green leaves. Fertilize these plants with a balanced fertilizer using nitrogen and dried manure.
Benefits Mustard greens contain antioxidants that protect the body from free radical damage. A great source of fiber, it helps regulate the digestive system and lower high cholesterol levels.

Basil (Tulsi):

Basil, also called great basil is a warm-weather, fragrant culinary herb of the family Lamiaceae, which is used in several cuisines. It has a strong, pungent, sweet smell, which is well-known for its use in Italian cuisine.


Origin Native to tropical regions from central Africa to Southeast Asia.
Scientific Name Ocimum basilicum
Water Requirement Water these plants when the soil is dry to the touch. The water should be at its base and not all over its leaves.
Sunlight Basil grows well in warm environments that receive about 6 hours of sun every day.
Soil These plants grow best in well-drained, moist soil with a neutral pH.
Fertilizer Fertilize basil with a balanced fertilizer once per week after plants grow at least 2-3 pairs of leaves.
Benefits Basil is an anti-inflammatory herb. It contains natural antibacterial properties and may help fight cancer as well.


Mint (Pudina):

Mint is a genus of plants in the family Lamiaceae, which is estimated to have 13 to 18 species. It is a popular aromatic herb that can be used fresh or dried in many cuisines.


Origin Native to Eurasia, North America, southern Africa, and Australia, mints are extensively distributed throughout the moderate areas of the world.
Scientific Name Mentha
Water Requirement Water these plants regularly to keep the soil evenly moist. Mints need a lot of water.
Sunlight Mints can be exposed to lots of sunlight, however, some shadow will work as well.
Soil These plants thrive well in light soil with great drainage.
Fertilizer A balanced all-purpose liquid fertilizer gives mint a healthy boost. But avoid getting fertilizer on the foliage.
Benefits Mint plants contain an anti-inflammatory agent and antioxidant called rosmarinic acid that offers relief from seasonal allergy symptoms. It aids in digestion, treats Asthma, and prevents respiratory disorders.