How are Pothos and Philodendron Different?

Pothos and philodendron are quite famous in the world of indoor plants. Even though they are different from each other, one may mix them up because of their similarities. However, one can easily catch the difference if they know the key traits to look for! So, let's dive into the unique traits that distinguish them from each other.

Pothos and Philodendron

Shape & Texture of the Leaves

By comparing their leaves, pothos and philodendrons may be distinguished most easily. Many philodendrons have more heart-shaped leaves with a thinner and softer texture. On the other hand, pothos has leaves that are waxier and thicker. Observing the leaf's base is another technique to identify the changes. The base of the philodendron leaf is sharply curled inward and fashioned like the apex of a heart. But, on the contrary, the pothos leaf has a straight base.

Aerial Roots and Stems

You can recognise pothos and philodendrons by looking at the petioles (little stems that are joined to the plant's leaves) & aerial roots. Both plants have hard aerial roots which allow them to climb over anything. However, philodendrons sometimes have several tiny aerial roots per node as compared to pothos. On pothos, the petioles are recessed inward toward the stem. However, philodendron petioles have a narrower profile than pothos petioles.

Tolerance to Environment

Even though philodendrons and pothos are famous for their low-maintenance growth, there are a few subtle variations that are noteworthy. Philodendrons can withstand low light and heat more easily than pothos can. In addition, pothos may withstand droughts better than philodendrons.

Growth of New Leafs (Cataphylls)

Cataphylls examination is a fascinating approach that can help you distinguish between pothos and philodendron. Cataphylls are known as essentially tiny leaves that surround and shield the new leaf as it develops. While philodendron develops its new leaves from the cataphylls, pothos plants simply grow and unfold from the parent leaf.

Origin of the Name (Taxonomy)

Taxonomy is a branch of science that deals with the naming and grouping of organisms into families and species. When it comes to names and origin, Pothos and philodendrons are two separate and different plant genera. Pothos is a member of the Epipremnum genus, whereas philodendron is a member of the Philodendron genus. As members of the same plant family, the aroid plant family, pothos and philodendron do in fact have a similar ancestor i.e. Araceae.