How to Keep your Plants Healthy and Disease-Free?

There is a saying that goes, ‘Prevention is better than cure.’ This is true not only for your health but also for your plants’ health. Just like you get regular check-ups to find and cure potential health issues, similarly, your houseplants should be given a healthy environment to stay as fit as a fiddle. In this article, we talk about some of the ways how you can nurture a healthy garden and keep your plants disease-free.

How to Keep your Plants Healthy and Disease-Free

Inspect Plants Before you Buy them

The ultimate way to protect your plants from diseases is to avoid bringing them in the first place. Whenever you purchase a new plant, check them for diseases. Even if you are no expert, read a few magazines or sites and you will get the hang of it quickly. A few basic ones include checking the top of the plant, inspecting the root quality and looking for dead spots, wilting foliage or rotted stems.

Watch Out for Bugs & Insects

Be watchful of bugs and insects as they can prove to be hazardous. They not only plague your plants but also pave way for spreadable viruses and bacteria. So, stay cautious and ward them off as soon as possible.

Eliminate Diseased Stems & Foliage

Remove the spotty tomato leaves or powdery mildew on the foliage as soon as you notice it to prevent the disease from spreading.

Water in the Morning

Most fungal diseases take advantage of the damp, cool environments to thrive. If you leave your plants’ foliage wet overnight, it gives an easy opening to these diseases. Henceforth, water your plants in the morning so that they can dry off by evening.

Fertilise the Right Way

Your plants do need fertiliser to stay healthy. However, over-fertilising can burn roots, weaken your plant’s ability to absorb water and lead to many more such problems. Besides, soil usually doesn’t have all the minerals and nutrients required for a healthy garden. It is important you get a soil test and choose the right fertiliser accordingly.

Provide Good Ventilation

Just like you need plants to breathe in the fresh air, your plants also need proper space and airflow to flourish. When you plant your plants too closely or against a wall, this results in poor airflow and gives rise to fungal diseases like black spots and mildew. Prune excess branches and leave good space between the plants to give the way for good air circulation.