Ideal Plants to Grow in Summer

Summers would soon be knocking on our doors and before they do, it's time for us to think of all the plants that are perfect for the season. Several plants love sunlight and will make our house beautiful with their presence. So, let us look at some ideal plants for the hot summer and which will survive the strong heat waves.

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Hibiscus is one of the most popular plants and requires full sun to bloom. The flowers are red, orange and pink. Hibiscus is a versatile plant and has several uses.

Sago Palm

Sago Palm grows slowly and is a popular plant. It rarely sheds leaves and is perfect for a house that gets a lot of direct sunlight.


Found in abundance in Indian households, Bougainvillea requires 5 hours of sun, therefore, it must be kept in a place where sunlight is abundant. The flowers of this plant are pastel in colour and are beautiful. With the right care, you can have a gorgeous bougainvillaea laden with flowers.


Add brightness to your garden or balcony by growing petunias. These bright pink flowers thrive in the morning sun and do not need much water.


Taro plant is also known as Elephant Ears because of its shape and size. This a tropical looking plant is perfect to make a space look fuller.

Aloe Vera

This low maintenance plant has a lot of benefits and must be a part of every garden. It helps in providing relief from sunburn, minor cuts, and burns. Aloe Vera is an easy-to-grow-plant which is also difficult to kill. It requires full sun and tolerates filtered sun. Keep the soil moist and do not overwater.

Aloe Vera

This low maintenance plant has a lot of benefits and must be a part of every garden. It helps in providing relief from sunburn, minor cuts, and burns. Aloe Vera is an easy-to-grow-plant which is also difficult to kill. It requires full sun and tolerates filtered sun. Keep the soil moist and do not overwater.

Jade plant

This sturdy plant is a popular houseplant and is perfect for those sunny windowsills. Even though they are drought-tolerant, they are no cactus hence the soil must be kept moist. They require a minimum of four hours of direct sunlight.

African Milk Bush

Often mistaken as a cactus, this succulent is a beautiful looking plant that grows sharp spines. The plant requires bright indirect sunlight and regular water.


Jasmines are a favourite of all Indian households. Known for their beautiful fragrance, jasmine flowers are widely used in morning prayers. They need full sunlight to thrive and one must ensure that the soil is moist.

Snake Plant

This popular plant, also known as mother-in-law’s tongue, is impossible to kill and is a sturdy one. It grows well in full-blown sun as well as shady conditions.

Get ready for summers by buying these plants or growing them in your garden and see your garden transform with beauty. These sun-loving plants are perfect for every house getting a lot of sunlight and will thrive with no difficulty.