Preparing For a Job Interview in 2021? Check Out These Tips and Tricks

Preparing for a job interview can be pretty intimidating. Especially when it’s being done for the first time or if it’s been a long time since the last one. There is no easy way when it comes to facing an interviewer, but the preparation process can be made a lot easier with these easy-to-learn job interview tips for the Gen-X, Y, Z in the market in 2021:

Preparing For a Job Interview in 2021? Check Out These Tips and Tricks

Start with a Graphic Book

Graphic books have a reputation of peaking one’s interest through picture-oriented conversations and therefore, will be a great re-starting point for you. They won’t be too Graphic books have a reputation of peaking one’s interest through picture-oriented conversations and therefore, will be a great re-starting point for you. They won’t be too heavy on the diction and will also keep you interested in the plot with the help of illustrations. Here are some suggestions: Try a book with illustrated traditional stories like Corridor by Sarnath Banerjee or you could even go for a simple and illustrated set of poems from Rupi Kaur.

Make a Good First Impression

The first few seconds of your interaction with the interviewer will set the tone for the remaining hour. Make sure that your mannerisms are proper and that you initiate with a proper salutation. If you’re unsure as to take an informal approach or keep the interview formal, let the interview lead with the tone they are comfortable with and then follow that.

Do Your Research

“Why do you want to work for us?” Although you would find that many startups have stopped asking this question for the simple fact that careers are not time-bound anymore, there are still some OG companies that may want to judge your passion for the role. Therefore, do a background check of the organisation and thoroughly go through the job description before appearing for the interview.

Ensure Good Internet Connection

Always test your tech. This is probably one of the best interview preparation tips for anyone giving an online interview. A bad internet connection can lead to long waiting periods and irritated interviewers who would rather choose to be spending that time talking to a candidate with better connectivity. This is also useful for someone working from home but does not engage in many online calls.

Be Prepared to Turn On The Camera

With more and more jobs becoming virtual, you must always be prepared to switch on your camera if the interviewer asks. They need to know your face and personality, allowing them to put a face to the name. Another interview trick is to have a backup device in case things derail.

How To Treat Your Cold Feet

Calming your nerves is as vital as appearing for the interview itself. Once you’ve prepared yourself with all the points mentioned above, half the job will already be done. One important tip here could be to practice affirmations and believe in yourself and your ability to impress your interviewer. Remember that your skills have got you here, and your rapport with the interviewer is the only barrier between you and the job. Therefore, always end the interview on a positive note.

Finally, here’s a list of some of the top interview questions of 2021: Briefly describe your professional career; What is Your Greatest Accomplishment Till Date?; What are your expectations from this job?; Where do you see yourself in a few years?; Are you willing to work in a startup culture?; Why do you want to work here?; How many extra hours can you put in, in a week? Etc.