Top 5 Secrets to Growing Healthy Succulents

For all the individuals who love to surround themselves with greens without much effort, succulent plants are the best. They are low maintenance, easy to keep and give you the same kind of refreshment. Now, if you have got one but are not sure about how to take care of succulents then just stay with us and keep reading. We have listed 5 secret tips that will maintain the healthy growth of your succulents.

Healthy Succulents

Pot it Right

The first and foremost thing that keeps your plant healthy is its soil and the pot. Since succulents belong to the desert, they need soil with low absorbing qualities. So, you can either use cacti soil or mix regular soil with sand, pumice or perlite. Also, to drain excess water, make sure you select a pot with enough drainage holes in the bottom.

Know its Water Needs

Succulents can retain moisture in their leaves and stems for a very long time, so you don’t have to water them as frequently as any regular thin-leafed plant. During summers the plant needs to be watered once in 2 weeks. On the other hand, when the temperature drops, you need to water the plant only once a month.

The watering needs of succulent plants may depend on their size, their species and the location in which they’ve been kept. For instance, indoor succulent plants need to be watered less than outdoor ones. Either way, make sure to pour the water directly into the soil, otherwise, your watering won’t benefit the plant.

Give it Some Sunshine

Not only the students of ICE (3 idiots), but succulents also need some sunshine in their lives. If you have kept your succulents as an indoor plant, then give them a sunny corner by the window. You can open or close the curtains as per the temperature. Keep rotating the pot(s) every 15-20 days for an even sun tan.

Keep it Clean

Like every other home décor, your succulent can also get dusty with time. Not only can this hinder the process of photosynthesis, but it can also be an open invitation for bugs and insects. Thus, take a wet cloth or a soft paintbrush to clean your succulent once a week and give way to its healthy growth.

Few Things to Keep in Mind

While the above tips cover almost everything on how to maintain or how to grow succulents, there are a few more points that one needs to consider i.e.:

  • Do not overcrowd the pot, put one succulent in one pot.
  • Fertilise the plant once a year. The best time for fertilisation is summer.
  • Succulents do not need any pruning.