Top 8 Facts Every Hydrangea Enthusiast Should Know

An effortless beauty blooming from the Earth’s soil, Hydrangea are small flowers that are naturally bundled and coloured in different forms. However, if you are a hydrangea enthusiast, you must know about its native history, spiritual significance, scientific composition and basic information. That is why we won’t bore you with general facts and figures. In fact, we are here with 8 things that you would have never heard about these flowers before -

Hydrangea Enthusiast

1# They Don’t have Petals

That’s right, hydrangeas do not have petals, but instead, they have sepals. Sepals are part of the flower responsible for protecting the bud area. In most of the flowers, sepals are green, but in hydrangea, they are coloured, creating the illusion that we all see.

2# The Hydrangea Day is Celebrated When They are Not Blooming

People around the world are so impressed by the beauty of these cute little tropical flowers that they have announced 5th Jan as World Hydrangea Day. But that’s not it. The date was set in January so that people could celebrate the presence of the plant during its non-blooming season.

3# They are used as a Fourth Wedding Anniversary Gift

As per their spiritual significance, hydrangeas are a common symbol of gratefulness, pride and appreciation, therefore, they make a suitable present for all occasions, especially for the fourth wedding anniversary.

4# They are Known for their Beauty, not the Fragrance

While a majority of flowers please at least four of our senses (taste, see, smell, feel), hydrangeas entertain only three of them. They are born to make our world more beautiful but without fragrance.

5# They are a Bunch of Flowers with one Name

While describing hydrangeas, we often say “they are a bunch of flowers”. However, that bunch or pom-pom shape has a proper name. The ones with a fuller appearance are called ‘mopheads’, while the hydrangeas with a flat look are known as ‘lacecap’.

6# They can Change Colour With Seasons

Like a chameleon, hydrangeas can also change colour as per their surroundings. Generally, during the growing season, they bloom in any colour. But when the sky starts to turn grey (or the season of winter starts), hydrangeas change their colour into light green. This happens because hydrangeas are a flower of the sun and when there is a lack of sunlight, they increase their efficiency to capture some by turning themselves green.

7#They have a Way to Show the pH of the Soil

Unlike any other plant, hydrangeas have a way to show you the level of acid present in the soil they are grown in. Below mentioned are the colours of hydrangeas as per the pH level of the soil.

  • 7 & above = Pink
  • 7-6 = white
  • 6-5 = purple
  • Below 5 = Blue

Also, you may see infusions or different shades of colour in hydrangeas. This happens when the pH level is between two points or falls into the second half of the decimal point ( between 0.5-0.9).

8# They can Live Longer if you Remove them from the Soil

If you want to keep the hydrangeas preserved for a while, then pluck them from the soil! Pluck them from the roots, keep them in a vase and let them dry. This will reduce the moisture level of the flower, resulting in extended life of at least a month.