Which Plants Can Survive Well at the Workplace

Do you know who can be the best employee, co-worker and team player for your company? Well, we know, it's the plants! They are a perfect fit for your office as they produce oxygen, boost productivity, liven up the space and do it all without even a coffee break. Just some water is enough for these greens to thrive and give their best. However, every plant is different and only some qualify to sit with you at your office desk. So, scroll down and know which plant can survive well in the workplace.

Plants at the Workplace

Cast Iron Plant

The cast iron plant is one of the most durable solutions for an office area. It can produce oxygen in indirect sunlight as well as yellow office light. Also, the plant needs to be watered once in 10 days. So, even if you are on the go, the cast iron plant will continue to support your co-workers with dedication.

Snake Plant

One of the toughest indoor plants you'll ever encounter is this one. This plant can grow without a lot of water or sunlight. While the big ones are common, small snake plants can also do the trick. And since they are smaller in size, they will only need watering every two to three weeks. Note - make sure the soil is totally dry before watering as overwatering can cause rotting of the root.

ZZ Plant

This wavy green plant is best for rookies and new joiners. Why so? Well, the ZZ plant grows well in a dry, low-light environment. This also means it can grow as long as 28’’ tall only by getting water every two to three weeks.

Aglaonema Plant

We all have that one team member, who stands out and shines the most. Well, in the world of plants, aglaonema is playing that role. The leaves of the aglaonema plant are variegated, which means they have various patterns, colours, and textures. The best part is that it will show its watering needs by substantially drooping its leaves.

Bamboo Plant

We all need a bit of luck and prosperity in our work life to give our best, which is why bamboo plant is considered an ideal plant for office stations. They give you luck and like any other plant on this list, they only need a bit of water and light to put their best foot forward.