• Greetings
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  1. I have to admit; sometimes, I do get jealous of the relationship you and your son have. Your son thinks it is because of all the time he spends with you, but it is because I want you all to myself! Happy birthday to one of the best women I know!

  2. My marriage gave me more than a husband; it gave me a second mom. Thanks for all the love and support you have given me over the years. It truly means the world to me.

  3. You mean way too much for me to call you mother-in-law so I figured I would let you pick your favourite endearment. Do you prefer mom, friend, or best friend? Happy birthday to the woman who embodies all those things to me!

  4. Dearest MIL, you are the light in the darkness for me when I have lost my way. For all the times you’ve guided me know that I am deeply grateful.

  5. Dear mother-in-law, you are the epitome of the woman who has it all. You’re kind, loving, beautiful and incredibly smart & I am glad to have such a positive role model in my life. Happy Birthday!

  6. I am so blessed that the man of my dreams is not only perfect, but he has an ideal mom as well. Now I know where he gets it from! Happy birthday, mother-in-law!

  7. You have always felt less like an in-law and more like my mom. I can’t believe how lucky I am to have two amazing moms. Happy birthday mom!

  8. You may get to pick your significant other, but you don’t get to pick his parents. I am so thankful that I lucked out with such a fantastic new family. Thanks for being such an incredible mother-in-law. Happy Birthday!

  9. Don’t think that your son is the only one who loves you like crazy. I could give him a run for his money when it comes to loving such a fabulous person like you. Happy birthday, mother-in-law!

  10. On your special day, I was trying to find the right word to sum up our relationship and how I feel about you. I am going to go with outstanding. Happy Birthday!